A really helpful source of information can be found is Eating for Healthy Pregnant Women/Ngā Totika umā te Wahine Hapū.

This resource recommends avoiding:

  • processed meats* such as pâté, salami, ham and luncheon
  • cold pre-cooked meat* such as chicken (plain or smoked) and corned beef
  • raw (unpasteurised) milk and raw milk products
  • soft pasteurised cheese* (ie, brie, camembert, feta, blue, mozzarella and ricotta)
  • pre-prepared or unrefrigerated salads, including rice or pasta salad, coleslaw, roasted vegetable and green salads
  • hummus and other dips containing tahini
  • raw, smoked* or pre-cooked fish* or seafood*, including sushi, smoked salmon, marinated mussels or oysters
  • foods containing raw egg, eg, smoothies, mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce or desserts such as mousse
  • soft-serve ice cream
  • cream or custard, especially in pre-made cakes or pastries (unless home-made or pre-packaged and eaten within two days of opening).

Another good resource is MPI’s Food Safety in Pregnancy.

* Note that these foods are safe to eat if heated thoroughly until piping hot, that is, above 70°C.